Andrea Costrino & Co | Portrait Photography | Buffalo, NY

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Today is the day...

Today's the day you stop making excuses and show allllll the way up.

It's time to.....

  • wake up

  • stop being a victim

  • shake the fear

  • push aside the opinion of others

  • dig deep into the problem

  • sit in the discomfort

  • ask questions

  • seek support

  • find the solution

  • focus on your next right step

  • put yourself first

  • protect your space

  • create boundaries

  • reach for your most audacious dreams

  • live a life on purpose

  • step into your power

  • believe it's all possible; because it is

  • be open and ready to receive

  • say YES

Today is the most perfect day to start

Today is for the taking.

You are in control of your today and your tomorrow.

How are you going to choose to show up?