Are we a match?

We're a stellar match if:

You're all about that A-list experience – nothing less will do!

Picture yourself getting pampered with professional hair and makeup and treated like a celeb – that's a day you deserve.

Comfort zone? Nah, you're ready for new adventures and trusting in the process.

Basic profile pics? Boring. You want pics that make a statement.

Love having a voice in the planning process – collaboration is where it's at!

Strike a pose - you're up for some expert guidance.

Laughter is a must - after all this should be a high vibe day!

Bring on new and creative – you're ready to embrace fresh ideas.

Your pics, your call – having the final say when selecting the images you desire.

Confidence and empowerment are your goals, and we're here to capture that vibe.

Rich, deep tones and real skin colors – that's how we roll.

Genuine emotions in every shot – let's keep it real.

You're worth the investment – it's all about owning your self-worth.

Pics that scream "This is ME!" – that's what we're aiming for.

Leaving behind a pic legacy? Yep, you're making your mark.

Celebrating your journey – from where you began to where you're headed? Let's make it happen.

Ready to embracing your fierce, feminine side- we don't know any other way.

This is my soul's mission.

Are you ready for it?

This is not a brag

Headshots, Branding, Maternity, Tweens, Seniors, Generational, Beauty, Creative, Mother & Child, Siblings, and even Best Friends.

These are all the genres that I offer at my studio.

While the lighting, mood, and genre of my photography may change from client to client, what doesn't change is the EXPERIENCE.

This experience with me can't be replicated.

This is not a brag.

It's the truth.

And, it's not because I own top-of-the-line studio gear.

Or because I know how to pose women.

It’scertainly not because I'm using some top-secret lighting technique or unique backdrops.

All of that and more is available to any photographer if they desire it.

It's BECAUSE I am me.

And, no one can be me.

Just like no one can be you!

My life experiences, unique journey, and heart enable me to create a safe space for my clients, allowing us to establish a profound connection.

This environment nurtures them to embrace their vulnerability, and to place trust not only in me but in my artistic vision.

As a result, they feel at ease, allowing them to express genuine connection, smiles, and emotion to match.

That's my superpower!!

And, the best part is that's innate.

Good luck finding that on Youtube

I'm here when you're ready for an experience that allows you express the most authentic version of yourself.

It's safe to shine

Shine On You Crazy Diamond

If you need it, I give you permission to let your light shine – it's safe.

And don't worry, your brilliance won't overshadow anyone else's glow.

Regardless of what you have been taught to believe, you shinning bright is not a threat.

Instead, it'll collectively brighten the path ahead.

Think about those candles on a birthday cake – you light one, and then its flame can dance across to light the others.

Simple, yet so profound.

So, when you graciously share your talents and gifts with the world, you're not just spreading light and love to those fortunate enough to witness it.

You're also illuminating the way for others, guiding them to understand that it's perfectly fine to glow as brightly as they desire.

Don't diminish your light for anyone!

It's safe to shine brightly.

Messy Parts

Love and accept every facet of yourself—the messy and vulnerable parts, as well as the badass and unstoppable aspects.

These contrasting elements are actually essential pieces of your learning and transformational journey.

In the moments of uncertainty, try to remind yourself that it's not a weakness to embrace it all; it's a necessity for your growth.

Be gentle with yourself.

You will thank yourself in the end

Built Different

We were built for this....

I see the struggles the women in my life are facing, and I want you to know that this isn't the end of your journey; it's just a chapter.

Life has a way of putting us through trials, but believe me, even when you can't feel it, you have a fiery strength within you.

You've faced storms before, and you emerged from it even stronger.

This moment is no different; it's a refining fire meant to shape you into the incredible woman you're meant to be.

I know it's hard to see how it all works out in the end but I encourage you to embrace it.

It's time to trust the process.

It's time to trust yourself.

There are profound lessons to learn and wisdom to gain along the way.

It will all be revealed in the end.

Release the pain, the doubts, and the fears.

Lean into your feminine energy and surrender to the flames.

It's time to transform.

Every stage in life is worthy of being documented

And sometimes, self discovery is the key.

An empowering session can both spark the flame or allow you to rise from the ashes.


Pssst.... here's a little something on my heart this morning.

Investing in your own joy and well-being means everyone else in your life also gets a piece of that happiness pie too.

It's not selfish.

It's not vain.

In fact, when you prioritize your happiness, you become a beacon of positivity that lights up the world around you; your significant other, your children, your co-workers, your friends, your dog, even the people at the grocery store all benefit from your positive energy.

Everyone around you can't help but soak up those good vibes your shooting out like a laser beam.

You're like the ultimate happiness contagion, spreading joy like wildfire wherever you go!

Think about it this way: when you're in a good mood, everything seems just a little bit brighter.

So, go do something for yourself today!

Do something that brings you joy.

Something that makes you feel incredible.

Something that makes you feel alive!

Your soul and everyone around you will thank you for it

You're a work of ART

YOU'RE A WORK OF ART...and don't you forget it!

Imagine being a part of a transformative experience, where your zodiac sign becomes a guiding force in creating an artistic expression of your true self.

By embracing the multifaceted parts of your sign, we open up a world of possibilities that stretch far beyond a conventional photoshoot.

This is a celebration of your individuality, allowing you to break free from any constraints and embrace yourself on a deeper level.

Own that SH*T!

This is an opportunity to capture your essence in its rawest form, preserving a beautiful and powerful moment in time—a testament to the extraordinary woman you are.

What's your sign?

What traits do you most relate to?

Join me in the Zodiac Project!

Learn more on how to be apart of this one of a kind experience and receive a $1K voucher to put towards your session AND be entered into a Giveaway with 10K worth of prizes by visiting my website.

I can't wait to create with you!

Here's an example of what could be done for a Sagittarius

Sagittarius traits are unlike any other sign of the zodiac; they're totally unique to this brazen spirit. What makes Sagittarius so unique is its dynamic blend of passion, curiosity, intensity, and adaptability.

Represented by the archer, Sagittarius isn't afraid to use its bow and arrow to explore expansive terrain, seeking answers in places and spaces others wouldn’t dare venture.

HMUA: Kamerin Litten

Makeup & Beauty Parlour Inc

Model: Lillian Traver

10 more pounds

"Not this year, I still have 10 more pounds to lose."

Does this sound familiar?

I get it. We all have our "thing."

You know, the thing that holds us back from moving forward in the direction of our desires.

The thing that keeps us playing small.

You see the extra weight. You see the smile lines. You see the grey hairs. You see the lack of an outfit.

Do you know what your loved ones see?

You. Just you. Wonderful, amazing you!

The woman they love and adore. The woman who was always there to lend a listening ear. The woman who wiped their tears. The woman who showed them how to be strong and resilient. The woman who championed their endeavors.

Their wife. Their sister. Their mom. Their grandma. Their best friend.

Their rock.

No one is paying attention to anything else. I promise you.

No more waiting. This summer, make time to document YOU!

And while you're at it, do it with a professional who knows how to not only capture your beautiful face but also knows how to capture your incredible soul.

I've got you.


You are not going at this alone.

This experience is 100% a collaboration.

I love to be coddled when I am being vulnerable; so that is why I coddle my clients as well (if they need to be, which 90% of them do).

I completely understand how overwhelming it can be when it comes to envisioning your own photography session.

That's why as an artist, I believe this is a part of my job. Plus, I LOVE this part of the process. My goal is to make this experience as smooth and enjoyable as possible with little to worry about when it comes to the details.

At your style and concept consultation, we'll go over your vision board ( I guide you on how to build this) created using Pinterest, and together we carefully observe the patterns and themes that visually emerge.

It's amazing how these seemingly unrelated images can reveal so much about your personality and preferences. By delving into your inspirations and desires, we'll craft a photography session that truly reflects the most authentic version of yourself.

You will walk away from this consultation with 4-6 outfit suggestions and places to source them. Most of the time, you have a good portion of these items in your own closet AND oftentimes I have items that work in the studio closet too!

For me, every outfit has a pose and an emotional expression to match. Being able to see this is one of my superpowers as a photographer.

Each outfit tell a piece of the story as to who you are at your core.

From outfit combinations that match your unique style to guiding you through flattering poses and evoking emotions that match, I'll be there every step of the way.

This isn't just a standard photoshoot; it's an elevated experience designed to uplift and allow space for empowerment.

My ultimate goal is to capture the genuine and authentic you, not just your external appearance.

With this experience, you're not just getting a photographer, but also a caring collaborator who is dedicated to making your vision come to life.

What part of a photoshoot makes you the most nervous?

Who do I serve?

Who do I serve?

I serve the women who are ready to embark on a journey of self-discovery and empowerment.

The women who have experienced a period of uncertainty and lost touch with their true selves, but have now been found.

The women who stand before the mirror, gazing at a reflection that feels unfamiliar, ready to reconnect with the essence of who they are.

My superpower is supporting these women as they navigate their transformative path, embracing the changes that have taken place within them.

And I provide them with the encouragement and inspiration they need to take those bold steps forward outside of their comfort zone within my studio, emboldening them to create change outside of my studio as well.

The ripple effect is REAL!

My purpose is to uplift these women.

To ignite a spark within them.

To provide a safe space for them to become undone.

I want them to feel alive again.

To experience the joy that they may have forgotten.

To recognize their worth and made a conscious decision to prioritize their well-being and happiness.

To unapologetically be themselves, doing what brings them fulfillment, regardless of external opinions.

To all of the incredible women reading this, I am here to serve as your guide, your cheerleader, your confidante and your biggest hype girl.

I've got you.


Lighting Toolbox

My photographer toolbox has certainly grown over the years—from mastering natural lighting to refining single strobe techniques and eventually advancing to a sophisticated three-light setup with gels.

It has been a incredible journey so far, filled with countless moments of discovery.

I am proud to be able to offer a diverse range of lighting techniques to my valued clientele, providing them with high-end quality artwork accompanied by an unparalleled luxury experience.

Yet, amidst the constant drive for improvement and the pursuit of the next great milestone, I often find myself neglecting to acknowledge and appreciate my own accomplishments and the emotions connected with them.

It is a sobering realization that despite reaching significant milestones, my focus instinctively shifts to the next endeavor.

Today, however, I am consciously choosing to immerse myself in this feeling of accomplishment (maybe this is the cold plunge effects talking, Bobbi Stokes).

Pause for a moment.

Take three deep breaths in your nose and out your mouth.

Think... what is something you are proud of?

Now sit in gratitude and allow yourself to feel proud.

What's been your favorite style over the years?

Never Too Late

There is never a deadline for making change!

You have not missed your chance.

It's not too late.

Today is a fresh opportunity to transform, to grow, and to embrace the endless possibilities that lie ahead.

Who cares how many times you may have stumbled or how long you may have waited to take that first step towards your dreams.

What truly matters is YOUR unwavering belief in your own potential and the courage to change within.

You are the author of your own story, and there is no greater time than now for a plot twist.

Sandra Haseley + Co.

Sagittarius Zodiac

The inspiration for the Zodiac Project struck me earlier this year during a deep meditation session.

In an effort to combat my winter blues, I found solace in a week-long routine of immersing myself in a hot bath while listening to the same guided track. (for my woo-woo friends, I was trying to meet my soul. IYKYK)

Suddenly, a vision unlocked before me, capturing the essence of women intertwined with symbolic elements representing their zodiac signs.

With a desire to remain true to my photography style, I aimed for a subtle approach in incorporating the elements of each sign—a gentle nod, if you will.

So without further ado, here is part one to my twelve part series.

Sagittarius is the ninth astrological sign in the zodiac, spanning from November 22 to December 21.

Represented by the Archer or Centaur, Sagittarius is a fire sign and is associated with the element of Fire.

People born under this sign are known for their adventurous nature, intellectual curiosity, and optimistic outlook on life.

Psst...I am a Sagittarius (Dec 3rd)

Next up... Cancer

Model: Lillian Traver

HMUA: Kamerin Litten

Wardrobe: SHEIN United States

Kate's Testimonial

Client Testimonial:

"This experience was like none other for me.

Start to finish.

Committing to it, the planning, the prepare- I was in a zone. I think I had a month to prepare and I woke up everyday focused on it. I am generally all about a healthy lifestyle.

But I set goals as far as nutrition and work outs and mental prep as I geared up for the shoot.

It just felt good to be doing something so aligned with what brings me personal joy. I still go back and replay the full experience in my mind. Something I will never forget."

40 Over 40 Campaign

HMUA: Kamerin Litten

Model: Kate Hull


I have a deep passion for creating portraits that capture the essence and beauty of my clients. It brings me immense fulfillment to witness their satisfaction and the emotional connection they experience when they see themselves in the artwork we create together.

However, there is a unique energy that surges through me when I have the freedom to unleash my creativity without any constraints.

In those moments, I can explore new techniques, experiment with different styles, and let my imagination go wild.

It allows me to push boundaries, challenge myself, and create art that is a true reflection of my innermost artistic vision.

These opportunities to be purely creative fuel my soul and inspire me to continually evolve and grow as an artist.

I'd love to hear what you think about this image

Lillian Traver

I am getting a lot of personal messages expressing interest in this style. If you would like to book a creative session like this, let's get planning.


The power of movement extends beyond physical benefits.

It holds a magical ability to release negative energy and reset the nervous system.

Intentional movement, whether through exercise, yoga, or dance, enables the body to purge accumulated stress and tension.

Yassss, please!

So, the next time you are feeling heavy.....blast some of your favorite tunes and MOVE YOUR BODY!

It was a dream to work with the incredible Lily Travers. Just look at those perfectly soft hands (yes, this is what I get excited about).

HMUA: Kamerin Litten

Model: Lillian Traver

Feminine Energy

When I first learned about the idea of trusting the universe and embracing my feminine energy, I thought it meant sitting back, sipping on coffee, swinging in a hammock, listening to good music, and letting life magically fall into place.

Well, guess what?

It kinda is that, but so much more too!

This trust isn't about simply sitting back and enjoying life; it begins with channeling love and good energy into your heart-centered plans.

Then, once you've poured your love into those plans, you roll up your sleeves and get to work. You tackle each task with determination, knowing that you've done all you can to set the wheels in motion.

It's like mixing a potent love potion and then adding a dash of ambition.

And then, my friend, you take a step back and let the universe work its magic!

This means letting go of the urge to constantly check emails, seek validation, or micromanage every aspect of our journey.

It's about giving the universe some breathing room to weave its wonders.

By staying open, flexible, and resilient, we can adapt to the twists and turns of our journey, knowing that everything is unfolding as it should for our highest good.

This process is a dance between active participation and surrender.

It's about finding synchronicity between our efforts and the natural unfolding of events.

Just remember, it's not an excuse to do nothing; it's an invitation to infuse our plans with love, take inspired action, and then LET IT GO!

And, in that order.

Happy Monday


*post inspired from my coffee date with Lindsay Hyatt

Photo: Cat Ford-Coates