Award Winning Portrait Photograpy
This was such a cool experience and I am really glad I did it.
After attending a workshop in AZ, I was given a new perspective on submitting my artwork for awards.
In the past, I really had no interest in entering. That was until I began to understand how submitting and receiving feedback from the judges would be a great way to improve my craft and encourage me to be more creative with my shooting.
Having a team of top photographers and educators from around the world judging your images and helping you see your blind spots has proven to be an invaluable experience.
If you thought I was overly specific during a shoot before, watch out!
I've got a new level of standards I desire to meet and no unfinished feet or hands are going to stop me. IYKYK
I am really proud to have received bronze on all of the images I submitted.
A bronze award on an image scores 70-74 points demonstrating a professional standard of work.