Andrea Costrino & Co | Portrait Photography | Buffalo, NY

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Did you know that when crabs are in their molting stage they protect themselves from predators by staying concealed in a dark place?

They hide until their new shell is strong enough to create security around their vulnerable endoskeleton.

Isn’t it fascinating that these little crustaceans are able to intuitively know that they need time and space to become well-fortified once again?

While this process only takes 72 hours for a crab, it seems to be taking much longer for me during this particular season in life.

And, that’s okay.

I am willing to wait.

I know this process can not be rushed.

In times like this, when I am in need of protection from the ugly in the world and my personal triggers, I give myself permission to withdraw from people, places, and activities that could potentially derail my healing. I make sure to double down on the things that bring me joy and lean into spaces that support me in feeling safe and loved.

Most of the time I find that speaking with like-minded individuals who can relate and offer me space to express my feelings without judgment is really helpful.

I also find that helping other women feel seen, heard, safe, loved, and worthy through conversation and photography can be an antidote for me as well.

I feel much stronger with each day that passes when I honor my mind & body by listening to what it needs. This internal strength has allowed me to slowly emerge from the shadows and take a baby step courageously back toward the light.

Sending you lots of love if you are in the midst of growing a force field of your own.

: Cat Ford-Coates